Friday, March 2, 2012

Baby Cake

I have been seeing these cute diaper cakes all over the internet, and I have wanted to make one so bad! My friend had her baby shower last night, so my other friend and I made 1 for her! I had read a few tutorials online, but I never found 1 that i liked exactly how they put it together, so like me recipes, I took a little piece from each tutorial to make my own diaper cake variety :)
 The very first thing we did was roll the diapers up. We used small rubber bands to hold them together. I bought an 84 pack of size 3 diapers to make this cake. We only used probably 60 diapers to make the cake though.
 Here are the little decoration things we put on the cake, and the diapers.
 This is a random close up of the base. We rolled up the diapers for the base, then held together like 3 rolls of diapers with a rubber band, we really just stuck rubber bands all around to make sure they all stuck together :) We substituted 2 diaper rolls for a bottle of baby powder. My friend did the cute bow (it is far above my talents ;)...) I had an idea of what I thought would look cute, had no idea how to do it, and she made exactly what I was thinking!
 We laced the yellow ribbon on the second tier with the letters that spelled out her last name (Yoder), and on the top tier we laced the word Baby. We held the ribbon down with hot glue.
 We kind of just stuck the socks and little animals where we could fit them on.


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