It's a good thing that Leon's neighbor at the shop is a poultry expert! He used to raise all sorts of birds, like chickens, and pheasants, and quail. One day Leon was looking up online about the different breeds, and to test Harvey, his neighbor, Leon would ask him about a breed, and Harvey could tell you everything about that bird like how good it layed, or its temperment, and the color of their eggs! He is a chicken genius, and he's like 75 years old or somewhere near there. Good thing too, that he stops by for coffee at least once, mostly twice a day, so we can ask him if we are doing things right :) and for the most part I think we are because they are all still alive!
Apparently brown eggs are better than white eggs, I don't know why, but that is just what people say, so we got mostly brown egg layers, but I think we got 5 white egg layers. Another reason we got mostly brown egg layers is because I doubt Bill and I will be able to consume all the eggs from 22 Chickens, so we will be selling some, and I think the country folk like the brown ones better. Maybe we can get some earthy Eugene people to buy our "farms fresh, free range, brown chicken eggs" that seems to be the popular thing..... I really could care less if they are free range, or farm fresh, I just hate being 1 or 2 eggs short when I'm making cake or cookies, so when they get big I can just go to my fridge and know I will have PLENTY of eggs to choose from :)
And so begins Yong McBirky has a farm E-I-E-I-O...
For everyone concerned with this crammed little box, they now live in a bigger box, so please don't call P.E.T.A.
Ha ha, that last line was hilarious. Loving your blog so far!